Tom Konkle

tom-konkle-04He is an actor and writer, known for The Archaeology of Comedy (2008), The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu (2009) and Wings of Honneamise (1987).

Acting and writing team with David Beeler, often performing as a British sketch duo in shows Good Night and Double Act. They are currently developing and writing several television series and download-able content and mobile TV through their company Pith-e Productions. Tom was the founder of the infamous sketch troupe, McFwap. He also writes comic short films with Gino C. Vianelli.

Recently partnered with John Cleese as a performing team on a sketch comedy TV special. Developed three television series pilots with Beeler as well as two series with Brittney Powell.

Tom Konkle is owner of two production companies – Pith-e Productions and Lumen Actus LLC. He is also an accomplished screenwriter with 7 produced scripts.

Is very close friends with frequent co-stars David Beeler and Brittney Powell.

Appearances on The Gisele Show Podcast, mit Friends!